Emmons wins gold with WR performance

Katerina EmmonsDu was second after nine shots and scored 10.3 points in the last shot, which meant that Pfeilschifter, then third, would have to score more than 10.6 in her last shot to overtake Du for the silver. In the end, Pfeilschifter, the last to pull the trigger, managed to score 10.8 for a total score of 502.4 to take the silver. She was followed by Du in third by a narrow margin of 0.2 points.Olga Dovgun of Kazakhstan, who had been third in the qualification round, ended fifth with 501.0 after Lionbov Galkina of Russia with 501.2.Natallia Kalnysh of Ukraine, Eva Friedel of Germany and Oiga Desyatsakaya of Russia came in sixth to eighth, with 499.8, 499.5 and 498.3 respectively.All eight finalists will participate in the Olympic Games in August. Judging by the fierce competition, although China's Du Li currently ranks as the world No. 1 in this event, she and her teammates will meet real challenges from their international counterparts who boast great technical and mental strength.(Credit: The Official Website of "Good Luck Beijing" Sport Events)