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Argentina's Olimpo soccer coach resigns

BUENOS AIRES, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Roberto Saporiti, coach of the Argentine soccer club Olimpo de Bahia Blanca, announced his resignation on Monday, due to his team's bad results in the closing tournament.

With Saporiti's resignation, six coaches have now resigned from their posts already in the first 10 rounds of Argentina's soccer closing tournament.

The coaches that resigned previously were Leonardo Astrada from Colon, Carlos Ramacciotti (Jujuy), Juan Manuel Llop (Banfield), Pedro Troglio (independiente) and Miguel Angel Mico (Racing).

Olimpo lost 3-1 on Saturday in its home stadium to Independiente and fell to the last place with five points, and it is close to falling to second division.

Olimpo, from Buenos Aires' southern province, has one victory, two ties and seven defeats in the closing tournament.

Saporiti, 69, will be substituted by Gustavo Echainz, one of his aids, who will be in charge until the end of the championship.