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Mexico seeks two fencing passes for Beijing Olympics

MEXICO CITY, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Mexico expects to obtain two more fencing passes for the Beijing Olympic Games, said Mexican Fencing Federation president Jorge Castro on Wednesday.

Mexican fencing athletes will seek Beijing passes this Saturday and Sunday at the Pan American Pre-Olympics in Mexico's state of Queretaro, 220 kilometers north of Mexico City.

Castro said the two Mexicans that have chances to obtain passesare Daniel Gomez in the fencing foil category and Andrea Millan inthe fencing sword category.

Mexico will have three Beijing Olympics fencing passes if both of these athletes obtain an Olympic Games pass since Angelica Larios already obtained her pass in the sabre category because she accomplished 32 points in the world classification.

Some 122 fencing athletes from 22 American countries will participate in the pre-Olympics granting eight Olympic passes, two for men's foil, two for women's sword and the rest of the categories will grant one Olympic pass each.