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Mission Chief supports Mexico aspires to 7 or 9 finals in Beijing Olympics

MEXICO CITY, May 27 (Xinhua) -- The Mission Chief of the Mexican delegation for the Olympic Games in Beijing-2008 Carlos Padilla said Tuesday that Mexican athletes aspire to seven or nine finals.

Padilla, like the rest of the Mexican sports officials, has refused to give a forecast of the medals that Mexico could win during the Olympics, although he affirms that in all the finals anything can happen.

"The expectations continue being the same. To be in seven or nine finals. I wish I mistake and that they overcome the forecast of the mission headship," said Padilla during the presentation of the Mexican team uniforms.

Padilla showed himself reserved about the expectations that thetriumphs of some Mexican sportsmen have produced.

"Many can be at the finals and once there anything can happen," Padilla said and affirmed that to the moment there are 76 Mexican athletes with passes to Beijing-2008.

Mexico won four medals during Olympic Games in Athens-2004, three silver medals and one bronze, however the Mexican press saysthat Mexico is far from repeating that amount and that place on the medals table.

The Mexican hopes for Bejing-2008 are in the Mexican diver Paola Espinoza who recently won a gold medal in 10-meter platform in the Grand Prix in the FINA of England.

Eder Shanchez and Horacio Nava also stand out, as well as the taekwondo Maria Espinosa who was world champion in China and the former world champion in rowing Evaraldo Quirino.

On sailing Tania Elisa Calle will depend on the wind after having been ranked the world number one in the Laser Radial category and the archer Juan Rene Serrano could be the surprise.