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UCI ProTour Council meeting in Denmark

The UCI ProTour Council (CUPT) met today in Snekkersten, Denmark. Discussions focused largely on the series calendar.

The CUPT discussed the development of the UCI ProTour in 2009 and beyond. Members of the Council, which includes representatives of riders, teams and organisers that hold a UCI ProTour licence, took a number of decisions on the series calendar, bearing in mind that, given the current situation, the Tour de France is no longer on the calendar of the International Cycling Union (UCI).

Over the coming years the UCI ProTour calendar will be structured so as to support the universal development of cycling while offering the best possible conditions for the traditional events that have a UCI ProTour licence, and for the teams (particularly in terms of granting better visibility for their sponsors).

The CUPT’s decisions are nevertheless dependent on the events being granted a UCI ProTour licence by the Licensing Commission.

At the meeting the CUPT discussed the date of the stage event to be organised in Russia, in the Sochi region. It was agreed that the inaugural race would take place from 20 to 24 May 2009.

Beginning in 2009 the Tour of Poland, which has hitherto taken place in September, will be moved to the first week of August. Next year’s Tour of Poland will therefore begin on 2 August.

The Plouay Grand Prix will take place on 23 August.

The CUPT reported that the UCI Road Commission was currently studying the possibility of moving the UCI Road World Championships to the end of August, beginning in 2012. The conclusions of the study will be announced when the CUPT and Management Committee meet in Varese this coming September.

The CUPT, while confirming its wish to organise a grand finale for the UCI ProTour season, has come to the conclusion that the conditions are not conducive to holding a high-level event in 2008. Negotiations are in progress with a number of candidates for 2009.

Finally, the CUPT has decided to modify the nationality rule for UCI ProTeams. The aim of the change is to give teams the flexibility they need while ensuring that riders enjoy working conditions that meet the criteria laid down by the UCI, and guaranteeing consistency in terms of nationality within the teams.

(Credit: UCI. Click here for further information.)