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CE: HK to make Olympic equestrian a success

HONG KONG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Chief Executive Donald Tsang said here Tuesday the Beijing Olympics is a golden opportunity to showcase China's rapid development, adding Hong Kong will do its best to make the Olympic equestrian event a great success.

Speaking at the reception in celebration of the 11th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Tsang said Hong Kong is honored to co-host the Olympic equestrian competition.

The HKSAR will ensure the event's success to demonstrate that Hong Kong people are worthy of the trust bestowed upon us by our country.

"This is also a year of challenges for our country. While the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan shook the whole Chinese nation, we have demonstrated the virtue of 'When one place suffers misfortune, aid comes from all sides', and the solidarity, indomitable will and great courage of Chinese people," he said.

Noting Hong Kong people share the victims' sadness, Tsang said the HKSAR government will actively participate in the reconstruction to contribute to the whole nation.

"I am confident that Chinese people will rise to all challenges and emerge from these difficulties even stronger," he said.