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US-based Zambian runner vows to book Olympic ticket

LUSAKA, July 2 (Xinhua) -- US-based Zambian middle distance runner Prince Mumba has vowed to book an outright ticket to compete in the Being Olympic Games by running faster than the 1 minute 47 seconds standard qualifying time, according to Times of Zambia.

Mumba said in an interview from his base in Los Angeles that he determined to surpass the 800-meters qualifying time before the deadline of July 23.

His fastest time in 800 meters is 1:46.8 and he is positive of matching that time before July 23.

The former Zambian police runner said he decided to move from Oklahoma to Los Angeles three months ago in order to intensify his preparative campaign for the Olympics.

"I moved here because I wanted to train hard. The weather here is better than where I was in Oklahoma. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, when it's hot, it is very hot and it's humid. Here it's dry. When it's cold in Tulsa again it's very cold," he said.

Mumba alongside sprinter Carol Mokola represented Zambia at the Athens Olympics four years ago as wild card entries.