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美语三级跳 Go English
美语三级跳:016B 社会文化: 中级课程
Jane和Will初次约会,聊到彼此的家庭背景。我知道Jane的父母来自中国,所以我很想听听,作为一个亚裔美国人,Jane的成长经历是什么样的。 Professor: That's right, Winnie, let's listen to what they have to sa
美语三级跳 Go English2011-02-10 -
美语三级跳:016A 社会文化: 初级课程
Jane和Will初次约会,想多了解对方,他们谈到了彼此的宗教信仰。Jane的父母来自中国,她是个佛教徒,Will则在美国长大,信基督教。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. When you talk about religion, it's importa
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-27 -
美语三级跳:015C 电视节目: 高级课程
Professor: Will and Jane are on a date and talking about what kind of TV shows they like to watch, and it so happens that Will loves TV crime dramas. Crime drama就是“侦破片”,Professor Bowman, 我听说
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-27 -
美语三级跳:015B 电视节目: 中级课程
Will和Jane在约会时聊天,谈到了"sitcom", 也就是situation comedy - 情景喜剧。 Professor: Hey Winnie, have you ever watched any American sitcoms? 我以前看过Friends--“六人行”,这算是个sitcom吧? Profes
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-26 -
美语三级跳:015A 电视节目: 初级课程
Will和Jane在约会,俩人聊起了各自爱看的电视节目。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Today they are talking about reality TV. "Reality TV" - 电视真人秀! 这种节目其实一点都不真实,我听说,很多情节和对话其
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-26 -
美语三级跳:014B 找工作: 中级课程
Toby正在找工作。他以前在大学书店的同事Erin现在在一家电脑公司上班,所以Toby希望能利用这个关系,看看Erin能不能帮自己也在这个公司找个差事。Professor: Today Toby has brought his resume to give to Erin. Do
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-25 -
美语三级跳:014C 找工作: 高级课程
Professor: Toby has applied for a job at a company, and today he has his first interview with Jack, the head of human resources. Toby在简历上把自己吹得神乎其神,今天可有好戏看啦! Professor: So let's
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-25 -
美语三级跳:014A 找工作: 初级课程
Toby刚刚大学毕业,急着找工作,不过他遇到了一个大问题,我们一起听听看。 Denise: Hi Toby, how are you doing? You don't look very well. Toby: Hey Denise. I'm just sad because I can't find a job. Denis
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-25 -
美语三级跳:013B 电脑: 中级课程
Chloe家里有很多用不着的东西,她想上网把它们卖了。上次,她的电脑上不了网,东西没卖成。现在,网修好了,Chloe的朋友Matt过来,帮她在网上发帖子卖货。Professor. That's right, Winnie. Let's hope Matt is m
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-23 -
美语三级跳:013C 电脑: 高级课程
Professor: Today we're learning some advanced words for talking about online social networking. Chloe is helping Matt build his MyFace page. MyFace一听就知道是社交网站。 Matt: Thanks a lot for helpin
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-23 -
美语三级跳:013A 电脑: 初级课程
Chloe的电脑出了点毛病,她打电话给朋友Matt,让他帮忙看看。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Isn't it good to have friends who understand computers? 那可不,有电脑达人当朋友真不错! Chloe: Hi Matt, tha
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-23 -
美语三级跳:012C 开车: 高级课程
Professor: In the last episode, Phil borrowed his friend's car to take a weekend trip to Las Vegas. Now he has come back home and is telling his friend Becky about the trip.Phil回来啦!不知道他到底赢
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-22 -
美语三级跳:012A 开车: 初级课程
家住洛杉矶的Phil想趁周末来躺自驾游,去赌城拉斯维加斯享受一番。不过,他得先租辆车。 Professor: Winnie, have you ever gone to Las Vegas? 去过一次。Professor Bowman, 如果我是租车公司老板,一定不愿意把车租
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-22 -
美语三级跳:012B 开车: 中级课程
Phil想去拉斯维加斯玩儿,可是没有租到合适的车。所以他决定向自己的朋友Tom借敞篷车。 Professor: Winnie, if you had a nice convertible, would you lend it to a friend to go to Las Vegas? 可以借,不过条件是
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-22 -
美语三级跳:011B 带孩子: 中级课程
Hannah晚上要和老公出去看电影,所以雇了临时保姆Elliot来家里照顾女儿Amber。 Professor: During the last episode at the playground Amber hit another child and stole the ball he was playing with. She sound
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-21 -
美语三级跳:011C 带孩子: 高级课程
Professor: Hannah has a young daughter named Amber who is in second grade. Today Hannah is going in to talk to Amber's teacher to find out how her daughter has been doing at school. Amber是个让人头疼
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-21 -
美语三级跳:011A 带孩子: 初级课程
Hannah带女儿Amber到公园里玩,和另外一个妈妈聊了起来。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Some parents like to take their children to the park so they can meet other parents and talk. When you have kids
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-21 -
美语三级跳:010B 食物: 中级课程
Professor: Doug and Liz are at a supermarket buying food to cook for dinner. In the last episode they ate a lot of fast food, so now they want to buy some healthy organic food. 不过,professor Bowman,
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-20 -
美语三级跳:010C 食物: 高级课程
Professor: Today Robert is going over to Liz and Doug's apartment for dinner party, but he is about to find out that his tastes in food are very different from theirs. [Doorbell, door opening] Robert
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-20 -
美语三级跳:010A 食物: 初级课程
Doug and Liz正开车去超市买菜,可Doug忽然觉得饿了,想顺道先去快餐店买个汉堡吃。Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping?当然有啊,所以每次去超市前,我都先要吃得饱饱的,要不然,到了
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-20 -
美语三级跳:009C 购物: 高级课程
Professor: Christine and Kevin are dating, and today is Christine's birthday. Kevin bought himself a $1,000 suit so that he would look good for their special date, but then only had $20 left to spend
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-19 -
美语三级跳:009B 购物: 中级课程
Professor: Today Kevin is going shopping at a clothing store to buy his girlfriend a present for her birthday. What do you think he's going to get her, Winnie? 他花了1000块钱给自己买了套时髦西装,我估
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-19 -
美语三级跳:009A 购物: 初级课程
Kevin准备在女友生日的时候跟她出去浪漫约会,为此,他特意到商场,打算买身儿精神的衣服。 Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It's nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfr
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-19 -
美语三级跳:008C 坐飞机: 高级课程
Professor: Todd just arrived at his parents' house in Alaska after flying there from California. He is telling his parents about what a disastrous flight he had. 我还担心Todd因为去错了候机楼赶不上飞机
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-18 -
美语三级跳:008A 坐飞机: 初级课程
Todd在洛杉矶上学,趁着放寒假,要回阿拉斯加去和父母一块儿过圣诞节。今天,他来到一家旅行社定机票。Professor: Do you visit your parents on the holiday, Winnie?当然了,我可是孝顺女儿呢!Agent: Good aftern
美语三级跳 Go English2010-09-18
栏目广告位二 |