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【OMG! 美语】第118期:Psst! Phew! Meh...!


【OMG! 美语】第118期:Psst! Phew! Meh...!


1) Yeah = Yes = 对
- Do you wanna go dancing tonight? - Yeah!

2) Nah = No = 不
- Do you wanna go dancing tonight? - Nah!

3) 比较夸张得"yes/no"回答 Um..yeah!!或者 Um..no.
- Do you wanna go eat lamb kebabs with me?
- Uuumm..yeah!! I'm starving!

- Do you wanna go eat lamb kebabs with me?
- Uuumm..no. I hate those things.

4) Whaaa? = What? = 什么?
Whaaa? who hates lamb kebabs?! Are you crazy?!

5) Phew! = 唷!哎哟
Phew! I am finally done with that test!
Phew! What a long day! Time for bed.

6) 你无所谓的时候就会说 “meh”
- Do you like this Lady Gaga song?
- Meh. Not really.

- Do you wanna watch this movie with me?
- Meh. Not really. I'm kinda tired.

7) 你想告诉一个人一个秘密的时候, 你就说Psssssst..!!
Psssssst..!! Hey! This meeting is so boring..!
Psssssst..!! Melissa ! Are you awake? Let's go get breakfast.
Psssssst..!! Check out this app! It's so cool! It's OMG!美语 app.