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【OMG! 美语】第154期:厌恶


【OMG! 美语】第154期:厌恶



1) can't stand 受不了
I can't stand Kyle! He never stops talking!
I can't stand Ke$ha! Her music is SO annoying!

2) not a fan 不喜欢,不是某事的粉丝
I am not a fan of these shoes! They really hurt my feet!
I am not a fan of scary movies. Scary movies give me nightmares!

3) I hate 不喜欢,讨厌
I hate doing homework. I just wanna chill and watch a movie.

4) Not on board 不喜欢
- Do you like watching Glee?
- I am not on board with Glee. It's so cheesy.

- I think we should get a cat. What do you think?
- I am not on board with cats. They'll scratch and bite you!