【OMG! 美语】New 第13期 买单
【OMG! 美语】New 第13期 买单
1) Are you all done eating here? 你们都吃完了吗?
Oh, no, I'm still working on it. 还没啊!我们还在吃。
2) Can I take these plates away? 我可不可以帮你们把这些盘子拿出去?
Yes, we're done. 好的,我们吃完了。
3) Here's the check. I'll take it when you're ready. 账单在这里。等你们好了,我会回来拿
4) How much of a tip should I leave?我应该给他付多少小费?
I usually leave about 20%. 我平常付20%小费。
5) OK, cool! She was a good waitress! 好啊,她是个很好的服务生。
Here you go! 拿去。
6) OK, do you want change? 你需要找零吗?
No, it's all yours! 不用了,都给你了。
Thanks! Come again soon! 谢谢,欢迎下次光临