【OMG美语】你个马屁精!You're Such A Schmoozer!

1) schmooze 巴结别人,schmoozer 拍马屁的人
As soon as class ends, Bob always starts schmoozing the teacher. He's desperate for an A!一下课,Bob就跑去巴结老师。Bob实在是太想拿A了!
2) suck up 巴结别人,suck-up拍马屁的人
My brother wants a new video game. He's sucking up to Mom so that she'll buy the game for him. 我弟弟想要一个新电子游戏。他一直在讨好妈妈,好让妈妈给他买那个电子游戏。
3) brown nose 巴结别人,brown noser 拍马屁的人
Rachel is constantly brown nosing our boss. She buys him a latte every morning. Rachel 不停地巴结我们的老板。她每天早上就会给他买一杯拿铁!