【OMG美语】What's Your New Year's Resolutions? 你有什么新年决心?

OMG! 美语 HAPPY 2013!
Baijie's new years resolutions 白洁的2013决心
1) meet more OMG! Meiyu fans 见到更多OMG!美语粉丝们
My first new year's resolution is to meet more OMG! Meiyu fans! No matter if it's visiting you in China or receiving your videos!
2) Learn how to play more songs on the ukulele
My second new year's resolution is to learn how to play more songs on the ukulele. I want to learn more Chinese songs!
3) Learn how to cook dry-fried green beans 学做干煸四季豆
My third new year's resolution is to learn how to cook dry-fried green beans! Who can teach me!?
4) Find a boyfriend 找个男朋友
My final 2013 resolution is to find a boyfriend! I don't wanna be lonely this year! Where are all of the single guys!?
我最后一个2013决心就是找到男朋友!我今年不想孤孤单单一人! 单身帅哥在哪里!?
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