【OMG美语】Sick in Bed with the Flu! 得了流感,卧病在床!

白洁得了流感! 白洁 caught the flu!! 还有谁感觉 really gross!?
1) flu 流感
Everybody's getting the flu. Including me.
2) I feel so gross 我感觉很不舒服
The flu is the worst. I feel so gross. 我得了流感,很讨厌!我感觉很不舒服。
3) Call in sick打电话请病假
4) Sick in bed 卧病在床
5) Get well soon! 快点好起来呀!
Hi Mr. Smith. I'm sick in bed with the flu. I can't come in today.
No problem, 白洁! Get well soon! 没问题,白洁!快点好起来呀!
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