【OMG美语】Happy New Year! Wish You All the Best!祝万事如意!

OMG! 美语 - Happy New Year!
恭喜发财! Best wishes for a prosperous New Year!
Best wishes for a prosperous New Year, to all OMG! Meiyu fans and your families.
OMG!美语粉丝们和你们的家人, 恭喜发财!
恭喜发财, 红包拿来!Best wishes for a prosperous New Year! Give me my red envelope!
Best wishes for a prosperous New Year, OMG! Meiyu fans! Now give me my red envelope!!
OMG!美语粉丝们, 恭喜发财!红包拿来!
压岁钱 lucky money
Every New Year's Eve night, children will receive lucky money from their older relatives! 每到除夕之夜,小孩子将会得到长辈给的压岁钱;
笑口常开 I hope you will be full of laughter
Happy New Year everybody! I hope you will be full of laughter!
万事如意 I wish you all the best!
I would like to wish everybody all the best! I hope you and your families have a wonderful new year! 祝大家万事如意!希望你和你的家人在新的一年里万事如意,阖家幸福!