
世界上各个地方有很多stereotypes! 我们一起来谈几个最有名的stereotypes!
Stereotype 刻板印象
I don't fit any stereotypes! I am one of a kind!
Blondes are dumb 金发女郎, 看起来很漂亮, 但是脑子很笨
白洁 I heard everybody thinks blondes are dumb. Is that true?
No! That is just a stereotype!! Do I look dumb to you?!
不是啊!那只是刻板印象! 你觉得我看起来很笨吗?
Well... 那。。
Don't answer that question!! 别回答!
Men bring home the bacon 男人养家糊口
Stay-at-home Dad 待在家里的爸爸,全职爸爸
Not all men bring home the bacon! I know a lot of women who work and their husbands are stay-at-home dads!
All Americans are fat 美国人都很胖
白洁 I heard most Americans are fat. Is that true?
No! That's another dumb stereotype! Just because we eat a lot of junk food doesn't mean we're all fat!
不对啊!那也是刻板印象! 很多美国人吃垃圾食品,可这并不意味着我们都很胖啊!
1)打开我最喜欢的APP之一叫"Fat Booth"
2) 自拍照片!Take a selfie!
3) You can be fat too! 你也可以变成胖子哦!