【OMG美语】OMG美语 - 聊减肥:Slim Down! 瘦下来!
夏天了!你的减肥大业进行得怎么样了呢?今天我们一起来看看@淑女胚子 提的话题:减肥!
What have you done to slim down before? Tell us your successful secret!
Cut sugar out and you'll drop a few pounds! 你能忍住不吃含糖的食品吗?
夏天了!你的减肥大业进行得怎么样了呢?今天我们一起来看看@淑女胚子 提的话题:减肥!
What have you done to slim down before? Tell us your successful secret!
Cut sugar out and you'll drop a few pounds! 你能忍住不吃含糖的食品吗?