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空中英语教室mp3及文本下载 A Fight吵架


Eva: How many times shall I tell you? Put ashes in the ashtray, not in a glass.

clark: sorry.

Eva: And the newspapers. Look! You scatter them everywhere.

Clark: I'm sorry.

Eva: How much longer do you plan to watch TV? Don't you have anything else to do?

Clark : Will you stop nagging?

Eva : What?.. You know what you are? You are a lazy bone. You're a born loser. If you'd ever listened to me, we wouldn't be living in this rotten place. You....

Clark : That's enough. Don't go too far. I don't want to have words with you.

EVa : That's because you're a coward.

Clack : Shut up, Eva. Why do you have to be like this? Don't annoy me.

Eva: you can't be annoyed. You don't have the guts. Do you know how much Melody's husband makes? Thirty thousand a year. How much do you make?

Clark : That's because you spend too much, you want too much, and you nag too much. You'll be much more better off if you're content with the life you have now.

Eva: How can you say that to me? I'm not the one to be blamed. You are.

Clark: You're unreasonable.... Where are you going?

Eva : Out! I'll spend the night at Melody's place.

Clark: But how about dinner?

Eva : That's not my business.