您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语口语 > 空中英语 正文 空中英语教室mp3及文本下载 A Meeting会议 2007-03-25来源:和谐英语 音频下载[点击右键另存为] Mr. Brook : Does everyone have a copy?Miss Reeds : Do you have a spare copy? The one I got didn't come out very clearly.Mr. Brook : Certainly. (He passes her a copy.) Now, this is a list of things that we're going to discuss in today's meeting. Let's start with the first one: Where shall we site our third exhibition store in this city. Everyone can bring out his suggestion and support reasons.Mr. Hanks : Obviously the eastern part of this city is the best location. Business grows fast there.Miss Reeds : I think the south is better, since we already have one downtown, one in the west of the city, and the south is emerging. It has good prospects.Mr. Green : I agree with Miss Reeds.Miss Joyce : I support Miss Reeds' proposal too.Mr. Brook : Miss Reeds just brought out a good suggestion. Are there any other proposals? (Silence) Is everyone in favour then?Others : Yes.Mr. Brook : All right. Mr. Blake, you're now given the authority to take charge of this. Work on the details and hand in a report a week from now.Mr. Blake : Yes, Mr. Brook.Mr. Brook : Now let's move to the second .... 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 空中英语教室mp3及文本下载 A Football Game美式足球比赛 下一篇 空中英语教室mp3及文本下载 A Power Outage停电 相关文章 空中英语教室mp3及文本下载 Going to a Movie看电影空中英语教室mp3及文本下载 At a Menswear Shop在男装店