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90. Smoking  吸烟

1. This is a non-smoker section, isn’t it?  这里是禁烟区,不是吗?

2. Do you feel like a smoke?  你想抽根烟吗?

3. Do you mind my smoking here?  你介意我在这里抽烟吗?

4. What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking?  你觉得怎么样才能禁烟呢?

5. Are you smoking a lot?  你抽很多烟吗?

6. Are you smoking less?  你烟抽少了吗?

7. Did you have to stop smoking?  你彼得不戒烟吗?

8. Do you smoke much?  你抽烟量大吗?

9. Do you smoke this kind of cigarettes?  你抽这种香烟吗?

10. I guess you don’t smoke, right?  我猜你不抽烟的,对吗?