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4. Yo baby

  Yo baby 是许多年轻的黑人男子对女子的招呼语,也有人用“Yo baby, yo baby yo”,用于女子很漂亮,很吸引人,他想与她交谈。(He thinks she is pretty and attractive, so he wants to speak to her.),也就是找话题,想要“打开话匣”。(to use as a form of opening line or pick-up line or to begin a greeting; try to know her or date her)

  如果说:Yo baby, are you trippin'? 意思是:漂亮的姑娘,你的样子有点怪里怪气,有什么心事吗?

  “Yo baby' 后面可跟任何可以“打开话匣”的句子。诸如:

  May I help you with something? I think I have met you somewhere before.

  同理,如果年轻女子看到帅哥,有吸引力,很想与他交谈,那就用:“Hey, hey, hey' 后跟任何可以“打开话匣”的句子。诸如:

  Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?“what is going on?”就是年轻黑人打招呼的用语 (a form of greeting or open statement) 或 Hey, hey, hey, are you going to the movie?(帅哥,你是去看电影吗?)