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讨论:通胀加剧 你是如何投资理财的呢?


Yesterday we’ve talked about something romantic, today it will be something economic.
Here’s a passage taken from Chinadaily. Check it out!


China expects mild price increase this year

Consumer price increase in China is expected to be "mild and controllable" this year, Fang Aiqing, assistant commerce minister, said Saturday. "The country's inflation target this year has been set in accordance with the real situation and is expectedly achievable," Fang said at a press conference on the sidelines of the country's parliament annual session.

China targets a rise of consumer price of around 3 percent this year, Premier Wen Jiabao said when delivering a government work report at the opening of the annual session of the National People's Congress last week. Fang said factors such as increasing world's commodity prices, higher costs of raw materials, labors and environmental protection are all likely to boost domestic prices.

However, as the government enhances and improves macro regulations and market supplies exceeds demand, prices are likely to stabilize, he said. The country's consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, rose 2.7 percent year-on-year in February, compared with a decline of 1.6 percent a year earlier. Climbing food prices, the Spring Festival holiday and a lower comparison base last year all contributed to the February CPI increase, he said.


After reading the report, I think of the expensive outfit I bought last night. As a girl who likes dressing a lot, compared with prices of groceries, clothing price means more like price index to me.
I still remember several years ago, 300-400 RMB could get you really nice clothes with absolutely good quality. But today a 4 digit number could be easily found in a clothing price tag.
I always wondered if these released statistics could precisely reflect today’s inflation degree, since to me, the rate is not increased by percentage but by multiples. Do you guys have the same feeling as mine?

And here’s another question popping out of my head. How do you guys manage your money? In 21st Century, one should definitely learn some knowledge about stock investment or finance, and know how to keep value of your assets in this high inflation rate time.
As routine, I take 1/3 of my monthly salary aside to do some financial investment such as commercial fund. And do some deposit if there’s money left in the end of month, but usually there’s not..hehe…How’s your personal monetary policy?

通胀加剧,物价上涨.为了防止财产缩水,必要的投资理财是必须的.你是买股票? 买基金?还是买房产?还是你有更好的投资理财的方法,跟大家一起交流吧. 也看看别人是如何做的:

快来参与大家的讨论吧: http://bbs.hxen.net/thread-40035-1-1.html

上期的内容: 结婚是为了爱情还是金钱? http://bbs.hxen.net/thread-39996-1-1.html