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初级口语I'm busy now.
高级口语I'm in the middle of something.

剧情简介:男主角Clark Kent虽有不为人知的超能力,却缺乏在大报社工作的经验。因此,大都市星球日报主编Perry White正要回绝这个应聘者时,女主角Lois Lane闯入了。

As I was saying, I just don't think that...
Lois: Chief, I think there's a story here and we should check this guy out. The crazy one this morning? His name is Samuel Platt and he was an engineer at EPRAD for ten years. He's...
Perry: Lois! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?
Lois: Oh.
Perry: Lois Lane, Clark Kent.
Lois: Nice to meet you. Anyway, this guy worked on the Messenger, he...
Perry: Lois, what happened to that mood piece I gave you? The razing of that old theatre on Forty-second?
Lois: I wasn't in the "mood."
Perry: You was't in the "mood".