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Are you free on Sunday?

想要约会别人,首先要问别人有没有空?你可说:Are you available? / Are you free? / Are you busy? 都是‘你有空吗?’的意思,如果要问星期天有没有空,就是:Are you free on Sunday? 如果你有空,可以回答:I have no plans. (我没有任何计划)、I'm free. / I'm available.(我有空)、 I'm not busy.(我不忙),如果不太肯定,可说:Let me check. (让我查查看) 或 I'll check my schedule. (让我查查看我的时间表)。

约会的用语,前面我们有简单谈过了,现在不妨详细一点介绍应邀或婉拒的用语。 接纳人家的邀请,说话一定要显得雀跃,例如:I'd like nothing better.(再好没有了)、I'd like to very much. / I'd love to very much / With pleasure / Why yes, that would give me the greatest of pleasure.(我高兴之至)、That would be great fun.(那将是一大乐事)。Nothing better、the greatest of pleasure、great fun等说法颇为夸张,正是客气的表现。

假如答应赴约,但须迟一点到达或早一点离去,则可在上述说法之后补上一句:....but I may be a bit late.(但我可能会迟一点)、....but I have to go by X o'clock.(但我X点之前就得离去)。
又假如不能肯定能不能赴约,那么可用以下说法:I'll try my best to come. / I'll try to make it. / I'll come if possible.(我会尽量抽身前来)。

婉拒人家的邀请最是困难,但一般可用以下理由:What a pity! I have another engagement/appointment.(真可惜,我已约了别人)、Oh, shame! I have something else to do./ I'm otherwise engaged.(啊,真可惜,我有其它事情要办)、I'm afraid I can't. There's lots of work to do.(我恐怕不能来了,有很多工作要做)。What a pity、shame、I'm afraid. 等,当然也都是客气说法,表示不是不想而是不能赴约。
