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Mike: So you like planes, Anne?
Anne: Sure, I like planes. But I don't really like long flights.
Mike: I don't, either. But when I do fly, I like to sit on the aisle.
Anne: Why? I'd want to sit by the window! It's fun to look out the window when the plane takes off and lands.
Mike: I'd rather sit on the aisle. Then I can get up and walk around. I can't sit still for a long time.
Anne: Yeah. A flight to America takes at least ten hours. That's a long time to sit still. But you can watch the movies and the flight attendant brings you things to eat and drink.
Mike: And I can sleep too.
Anne: Sleep? No Way!


1. long flights,长时间的飞行.
2. No way! 就是不会,不行的意思.在口语当中很常用.比如说: You want me to lend him five hundred bucks? No way! 你让我借给他500块钱?没门!
3. 飞机起飞是The plane takes off. 飞机降落是The plane lands. The plane is about to take off /land in five minutes. Please fasten your seatbelt.飞机还有五分钟就起飞了或者要降落了.请系好安全带.
