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【精彩片断】剪辑自《Finding Nemo》海底总动员

Dory: I'm sorry, but if you could just bring it a little closer. I kind of(几分,有点) need the light. That's great. Keep it right there.
Marlin: Just read it!
Dory: Ok, ok! Mr. Bossy. Uh, "P." OK. "P. Sher...Sher-P. Sher-P. Shirley? P.--" oh, the first line's "P. Sherman."
Marlin: "P. Sherman" doesn't make any sense!
Dory: Ok. Second line. "42."
Marlin: Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Aah!
Dory: Light, please! "Walla-walla--" The seond line's 42 Wallaby Way.
Marlin: That's great. Speed read. Take a guess. No pressure. No problem. There's a lot of pressure. Pressure! Take a guess now with pressure!
Dory: "Sydney"! It's "Sydney"!
Marlin: Duck(迅速俯身)!
Dory: Aah!
Marlin: I am dead, I am dead, I am dead, I am dead....
(Marlin Laughs)
Marlin: We did it, we did it. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. No eating here tonight, whoo! Dory.
Dory: You are on a diet.
Marlin: Dory! What did the mask say?
Dory: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. I remembered what it said. I usually forget things, but I remembered it!
Marlin: Whoa, whoa, wait. Where is that?
Dory: I don't know. But who cares? I remembered.