4. 其他表情:
a. smirk 是指嘲弄地笑。比如:She smirked and I could tell she was happy that I had failed.(她嘲弄地笑了笑,我知道她是因为我失败了而感到高兴)。
b. grimace 描述的很不喜欢某件事或是某个人的时候的表情。比如:She grimaced at the fact that he was there at the party.(她因为他也在派对现场,所以皱了一下眉头)。
c. chin up and nose high up in the air 指的是抬起下巴,鼻子高高向上,喻指一副目中无人、很不屑的表情。比如:She had her chin up and nose high up in the air, like she's the queen of the world.(她一副趾高气昂、目中无人的样子,就像自己是女王一样)。
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