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1. Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens, bluebells and sleighbells and- something with mittens... La la la la...something and noodles with string.  These are a few... 《音乐之声》插曲My Favourite Things歌词,影片中女主人公玛利亚教孩子们在悲伤的时候想着自己最喜欢的东西让心情好起来。
2. Taking control of your life. 掌控你自己的生活。
3. You need anything, you can always come to Joey. 需要帮什么忙,就来找乔伊。
4. stop hitting on her 别花言巧语的。
   hit on sb. 与某人调情
5. like there's a rule or something? 难道有什么规定明令禁止的么?
6. Buzz him in 放他进来
   buzz 指门禁对讲机发出的蜂鸣声,这里表示按键放某人进来
7. Paul the Wine Guy 调酒的那个保罗
8. He finally asked you out? 他终于邀你出去了?
9. this is a Dear Diary moment. 真是一个值得载入史册的时刻。
   Dear Diary 标准的日记开头语,把日记作为收信人倾诉的感觉