1. screw up: 弄糟,搞乱,把......弄得一团糟。不习惯失败滋味的Liv因为工作上的失误感到很崩溃。看一下例子: She had screwed up and had to do it all over again.(她把事情搞砸了,只得重新做过。)
2. demote: 使降级,使降低地位。影片中指Liv因为在工作中情感失控而被老板降职。例如:demote a soldier from corporal to private(把士兵从下士降到列兵)。
3. Smurf: 蓝精灵。
4. messy: 杂乱的,混乱的。例如:a messy bed(凌乱的床);messy thinking(紊乱的思想)。
a messy heavy smoker(邋遢的烟鬼);a messy situation(难以对付的局面)
5. inflate: 吹捧,使得意,使骄傲。影片中Daniel指如果他娶的妻子太完美,那么要哄她就太难了。看一下例子:One could inflate or diminish a person by a few words.(人们寥寥数语可以把一个人捧得趾高气昂,也可以把一个人贬得无地自容。)
6. knock it off: 别再讲下去了。请看例子:Will you kids knock it off? I can't focus. (够了,小鬼们,停下来。我都没法集中精力了。)
7. bitchy: 令人讨厌的,脾气坏的。看一下例子:He is a difficult and bitchy man.(他是一个难以相处又令人讨厌的人。)
8. read: 读懂,察识。例如:read sb.'s thoughts/mind(读懂某人心思);He reads other people's moods fast.(他善于一下子察识他人的情绪。)
9. nail: 说破,揭穿。Fletcher气冲冲地对Emma说:我生气是因为你有感情,被你说中了。这是吵架时的气话。看一下例子:nail a lie(揭穿谎言);nail the truth(挑明真相);We'll nail them if they're lying.(要是他们说谎,我们就揭穿他们。)
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