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Andrew's ex-girlfriend: So did I miss the story?
Margaret: What story?
Andrew: What story?
Andrew's ex-girlfriend: About how you proposed.
Gammie: Oh! How a man proposes says a lot about his character.
Andrew's ex-girlfriend: Yes.
Andrew: Yes, it does.
Andrew's mother: I actually would love to hear the story, Andrew. Would you tell us?
Friends: Yeah. Yeah.
Andrew: You know what? Actually, Margaret loves telling this story, so I'm just gonna let her go ahead and do that. Cause I think we should just sit in rapture.
Margaret: Huh! Wow, OK. Wow, where to begin... this story. Well... um, wow. Mmm... yeah. OK, well, um, Andrew and I...Andrew and I were about to celebrate our first anniversary together. And I knew that he'd been itching to ask me to marry him. And he was scared. Like a little tiny bird. So I started leaving him little hints here and there...because I knew he wouldn't have the guts to ask, but...
Andrew: that's not exactly how it happened.
Margaret: No? Hmm.
Andrew: No. No. I mean, I picked up on all her little hints. This woman's about as subtle as a gun. Yeah. What I was worried about was that she might find this little box...
Margaret: Oh! The decoupage box that he made where he'd taken the time to cut out tiny, little pictures of himself. Yes. Just pasted all over the box. Oh! So beautiful. So I opened that beautiful, little decoupage and out fluttered these tiny, little hand-cut heart confettis. And once they cleared, I looked down, and I saw...the most beautiful, big...
Andrew: ...fat nothing. No ring.
Gammie: No ring?
Andrew's mother: What?
Andrew: No. But inside that box...underneath all that crap...there was a little handwritten note...with the address to a hotel, date, and time. Real Humphrey Bogart-type stuff.
Friends: Yeah.
Andrew: Masculine. Anyway, naturally, Margaret thought...
Margaret: I thought he was seeing someone else. It was a terrible time for me, but I went to that hotel anyway. I went there and I pounded on the door, but the door was already unlocked. And as I swung open that door, there he was...
Andrew: Standing.
Margaret: Kneeling.
Andrew: Like a man.
Margaret: On a bed of rose petals, in a tuxedo. Your son. Your son. And he was choking back soft, soft sobs. And when he held back the tears and finally caught his breath, he said to me...
Andrew: "Margaret, will you marry me?" And she said, "Yep." The end. Who's hungry?
Andrew's mother: That is quite a story.
Andrew: Gorgeous.
Gammie: Oh, Andy! You are so sensitive.
Andrew's mother: Hand-cut confetti?
Friends: Hey! Let's see a kiss from you two cuties. Give her a kiss!
Andrew: No. Come on.
Andrew's mother: Oh, yeah.
Friends: Come on!
Andrew: All right. OK. Here we go. Ready?
Friends: What is this? Kiss her on the mouth like you mean it. Kiss her. Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!
Andrew: OK! OK. All right. OK. Here we go. Mmm-hmm. Oh!
Gammie: Andy! Give her a real kiss!
Margaret: Gammy.
Friends: A real one! Yeah. You can do it!
Margaret: Why don't we just do it? Let's just do it really fast. Mmmm. Mmm. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.
Andrew: OK. Mmm.
Margaret: Hmm.
Gammie: I'm so happy for you two! So happy! So happy!
Friends: Let's get the champagne!