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1. go through 这个词组有很多意思,今天我们来了解其中的几种:

a) To examine carefully 仔细查看,审查(对话中就是这个意思~)
eg: go through the students' papers 检查学生的试卷

b) To experience; to suffer 经历,遭受
eg: go through many wars 经历很多战争 go through tremendous pain 遭受巨大痛苦

c) To be approved or accepted 被通过,被接受
eg: The amendment went through. 修订案被通过了。

d) To consume; exhaust 用完,耗尽
eg: We went through our supplies in a day. 我们一天就把供给品用完了。

2. 对话中的 due 的意思是“预定,约定,预期”,相当于 scheduled, arranged, expected 等,常用“be due to + 动词”的形式。

而我们知道due还有个介词短语叫due to,它的后面是接名词或代词,表示“应归于,应属于,应给予”,相当于 caused by sb/sth 或者 because of sb/sth。例如:
Her absence is due to illness. 她因病缺席。
The game has been cancelled due to frost. 比赛因雾而取消。

3. count 是个很好用的单词,除了有我们熟知的“数数”的意思外,它还能表达 (sth) be of value or importance “某样东西有价值,有重要性”。例如:
Her opinion counts because of her experience. 因为她有经验,所以她的意见很重要。
We've only a few bullets left, so make each one count. 我们只剩几颗子弹了,因此要弹不虚发。(此句中的 make each one count 就是指 use it effectively)