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1. pita pa key 一应俱全,正合心意
   出自FinHeaven & Co.的一句广告语,口碑相传变得很流行了。原句如下:
   It is what it is and its not what its not. It is everything. It is nothing. It is the redheaded stepchild in an Armenian family photo. It is the look your gas attendant gives you when you ask if he has change for $100. It is the underground movement that is slowly taking over the world one forum at a time. It is you. You are it. It is the pita pa key.
2. I do you one better 我有个更好的主意
3. You got the whole bargain 你说了算
4. Table for one 一人桌
5. Doesn't just make you wanna cry? 有没有看着想哭的感觉?