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【剧情简介】婚礼现场一团糟,Ariel的声音恢复了,可惜王子刚刚明白真相,女巫就带走了Ariel。得知消息赶来的Sea King大发雷霆,但是就凭他的能力也无法销毁女儿同女巫定下的契约,似乎一切已成定局……

- So long, loverboy.
- Ariel!
- Poor little princess - it's not you I'm after. I've a much bigger fish to -
- Ursula, stop!
- Why, King Triton! Ha ha ha - How ARE you?
- Let her go.
- Not a chance, Triton! She's mine now. We made a deal.
- Daddy, I'm sorry! I - I - I didn't mean to. I didn't know -
- You see? The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable -even for YOU. Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain.The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity. But - I might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better. . . .