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英语情景教学实战: 预定飞机票


You can go to a travel agency or talk directly to the airlines to make air travel arrangements. Remember that some cities have more than one airport. Be sure you know which airport and terminal your flight leaves from.


1. A: I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday, the 1st.
B: Let me see what's available.
A: I want to go coach, and I'd prefer a morning flight.
B: United's Flight 102 leaves at 9:20.
A: That's fine. What time do I have to be at the airport?
B: Check-in time is 8:45.

A: 我要在1号,星期四飞去芝加哥。
B: 让我看看有没有空位。
A: 我要普通舱,还有,我更喜欢早上的班机。
B: 联合航空102班机,九点二十起飞。
A: 好的。那我什么时候应该到达机场?