The number of college graduates in China is growing far faster than the number of white-collar jobs in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Young people who thought higher education would lead to high-paying jobs and chic apartments are instead cramming by the tens-of-thousands into slums near the IT districts where they seek jobs in computing and programming. The new aspiring professionals are known as "ants"(蚁族) because of both their eagerness to work and a willingness to cram together in poor living conditions. China's new white-collar underclass is developing an intimate connections as they share struggles and seek to adapt to their nation's changing society.
“蚁族”是80后一代中一个鲜为人知的庞大群体——“大学毕业生低收入聚居群体”。之所以将该群体名之为“蚁族”,是因为这个群体和蚂蚁有许多相类似的特点:高智、弱小、群居。随着我国社会城市化、人口结构转变、劳动力市场转型、高等教育体制改革等一系列结构性因素的变化,越来越多的大学毕业生选择在大城市就业。再加上国际金融危机的到来,“蚁族”的数量在未来几年内必将急剧增加。因此,尽管“蚁族”还没有形成社会学意义上的“社会阶层”,但日益显现的“蚁族”现象应当引起社会的充分关注和重视。 I think the government should provide more job opportunities in a variety of employment directions, and improve more vocational guidance to graduates. At the same time, the graduates should change their concepts of job seeeking. What do you think of this social phenomenon? What methods can do to help solve this provlem? Share with us~~~~↖(^ω^)↗
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