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  41.Be in the mood 想要做某事

  To feel like doing something

  Example: She is not in the mood for playing cards and says she should really be preparing her lecture notes。

  42.Over the moon 欣喜若狂

  Extremely happy

  Example: She’s over the moon about her promotion she really wasn’t expecting it。

  43.Over and above 除…这外, 额外的

  In addition to

  Example: Over and above our salary, we are getting a large bonus, because business has been very profitable this year。

  44.Get a move on 赶快

  To hurry up

  Example: Get a move on! The train is about to leave。

  45.Get the picture 了解某事

  To understand something, to grasp some meaning

  Example: When they started cutting back and laying people off at work, I got the picture and starting looking for another job。

  46.Keep somebody posted 传达消息

  To regularly give somebody up-to-date information or details of the progress being made。

  Example: I phoned in at the end of each working day to keep my boss posted about developments at the trade conference。

  47.Be out of pocket 花光了钱的

  To be without money

  Example: He’s complaining because he spent all of his money on slot machines and now he’s out of pocket。

  48.Lose track of 失去消息,失去线索

  To lose contact with somebody to not know where something is

  Example: I lost track of Fran when she moved to Boston. I’ve even tried to locate her on the Internet。

  49.On a shoestring 生活拮据

  In a thrifty manner; with costs or spending down to a bare minimum

  Example: She lives on a shoestring she gets a tiny pension and has to budget very tightly。

  50.In the long run 最终,最后

  Over a long period of time, once a process has matured

  Example: The grocery store is making a loss right now. In the long run,however, we hope to achieve a situation of stable profit