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11. Transportation. What's wrong with transport?
11. Transportation(交通工具)。就不能用transport吗?

12. The word I hate to hear is "leverage". Pronounced lev-er-ig rather than lee-ver-ig. It seems to pop up in all aspects of work. And its meaning seems to have changed to "value added".
12. 我讨厌听到的词是“leverage”。把它读成lev-er-ig(美),而不是lee-ver-ig(英)。好像各行各业突然都这么读了,意思貌似也变成“附加值”了。(leverage在美式英语中有“举债经营”的意思,英式英语用gearing表达此意)

13. Does nobody celebrate a birthday anymore, must we all "turn" 12 or 21 or 40? Even the Duke of Edinburgh was universally described as "turning" 90 last month. When did this begin? I quite like the phrase in itself, but it seems to have obliterated all other ways of speaking about birthdays.
13. 难道没人庆祝生日(celebrate a birthday)了吗?我们一定都要“turn”12岁或者21岁或者40岁吗?连爱丁堡公爵过生日也统统说成上个月他“turning”90岁。这是什么时候开始的?我喜欢这个表达本身,但它似乎取代掉其他所有谈论生日的说法了。

14. I caught myself saying "shopping cart" instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I've never lived nor been to the US either.
14. 我发现现在自己会说:"shopping cart(购物手推车)”而不是shopping trolley ,我非常讨厌这一点。我从没去过美国,也没在美国生活过。

15. What kind of word is "gotten"? It makes me shudder.

16. "I'm good" for "I'm well". That'll do for a start.
16. 用“I'm good(我很好)”替代“I'm well”。刚开始感觉都可以。

17. "Bangs" for a fringe of the hair.
17. 用"bangs"表示刘海。

18. Take-out rather than takeaway!
18. 说take-out(外卖)而不是takeaway!

19. I enjoy Americanisms. I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner? "That statement was the height of ridiculosity".
19. 我喜欢美式英语。不过我怀疑甚至一些美国人也是虚情假意地在用它们。“这份声明简直是荒谬(ridiculosity)。”

20. "A half hour" instead of "half an hour".
20. 说“a half hour(半小时)”而不是“half an hour”。