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7. Cat Burlgar (skilled, sneaky burglar/thief)

A Cat Burglar is a thief or robber who robs somebody’s home in a silent and sneaky way. Think of a cat walking in the dark, with ninja-like movements, almost without making a noise.
“A Cat Burglar”是那种会用安静而狡猾的方式盗窃别人家的小偷或强盗。想象一只在黑暗中行走的猫,它有忍者般的动作,几乎不不会发出任何声响。

8. Play Cat and Mouse (to strategically chase, tease, torture)

To play cat and mouse is for somebody or something to chase the other in a very strategic, teasing, and game-like way (like a cat chasing and playing with a mouse). Think of a superhero movie when the villain is chasing an innocent person in a cruel, strategic way.
“play cat and mouse”玩猫捉老鼠的游戏,是指某人或某事用战略性的手段挑衅和追逐着其他人(就像猫在追老鼠)。想象在一个超级英雄电影里面,反派人物在用各种残忍狡猾的方式追杀一个无辜善良的人。

9. Look What the Cat Dragged In! (an unpleasant surprise to see you)

This is a way to express surprise, and sometimes disgust at a person who shows up. The person may very well haggard (exhausted, dirty, and/or not in the best shape). We may use this in an ironic tone to welcome somebody for a pleasant surprise too. If you have a cat that goes outside, you know that they bring back all kinds of unpleasant things. For example, just yesterday my cat Meru walked in with a pigeon [type of bird] in his mouth.

10. Cat Fight (fight between two women)

Because women often scratch, claw, and yell when they fight, like cats do (that’s the stereotype at least), an intense fight between two women is often called a cat fight (noun).
因为女性打架时,经常(用指甲)划,抓,喊叫,像猫一样(这至少是刻板的典型印象),所以两个女人激烈地打架也经常被称作“cat fight”。

11. Cool Cat (somebody who is cool and/or popular)

A cool cat is somebody who is hip, cool, and in style. This is basically the definition of the world cool, but that’s an adjective, so to call somebody a cool cat is like saying that he’s a hip/stylish and/or popular guy. Just like Meru in the picture up top, a cool cat is calm, content, and has everything under control.
“A cool cat”经常用来形容那些嬉皮士,耍酷炫酷和追赶潮流的人。这是对“cool”这个词的基本定义,但这只是一个形容词,所以称某人为“cool cat”酷猫,就像是说某人是嘻哈派/有范或者很时髦的人。就如高而冷酷的猫-Meru王子(Meru是动漫作品《Keroro军曹》剧场版2-《深海的公主》中的一个角色。),他镇定、满足而且掌控一切。

12. Catnap (sleep for a short period of time)猫个盹(小睡片刻)

To take a napis to sleep for a little bit during the day (up to an hour maybe), so a catnap is an even smaller and lighter period of sleep time, imitating a cat who sleeps for just a few minutes.
“take a napis”是指在白天小憩一会儿(可能最多一个小时),所以“catnap”是指比这更短的睡眠时间,就像猫那样只睡几分钟。

13. Land on Your Feet (recover quickly from a bad experience or obstacle)

This one doesn’t have cat in it, but it’s a clear cat metaphor, as cats are famous for landing on their feet when they fall. The same is true for people with resilience (the ability to recover quickly after difficulties) who, like cats, always seem to land on their feet.