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   英国 / 欧洲 美国 
 门卫  Porter Bellman 
 电梯 Lift  Elevator 
 (汽车)后备箱 Boot Trunk 
 (汽车)引擎盖  Bonnet Hood 


"The bill, please"


"The check, please"


 旅游大巴 Coach  Bus (有时也叫'coach')
 往返 Return Round trip
 酒店入住 Arriving at a hotel Checking in
 酒店结账 Departing from a hotel Checking out
 租车 Car Hire Car rental

Water closet, wc, loo, toilet

Bathroom, restroom, ladies room, mens room, "the john,", etc.

 毛衣 Jumper Sweater
 运动鞋 Trainers Tennis shoes, sneakers
 停车场 Car park

Parking garage (室内)

parking lot (室外)

 雪糕 Ice lolly Popsicle, ice pop
 (排)队 Queue Line
 尿不湿 Nappy Diaper, Pampers
 行军床 Camp bed Cot
 解热镇痛药 Paracetamol Acetaminophen, Tylenol
 汽油 Petrol Gasoline, gas
 橡皮  Rubber Eraser
 饼干 Biscuit  Cookie 
 避孕套 Condom  Rubber, condom 
 内裤 Y fronts  Underwear, tighty-whities 
 长裤 Trousers  Pants 
 影院 Cinema  Movie Theater 
 饭后甜点 Pudding, afters  Dessert 
 润喉片  Throat lozenge Cough drop 
 创可贴 Sticking plaster, elastoplast  Band-aid 
 棉签 Cotton buds  Q-tip, cotton swab
 打车处  Cab rank Taxi Stand 
 超市购物车 Supermarket trolley  Cart, Buggy 
 人行道 Pavement  Sidewalk 
 水龙头 Tap  Faucet 
 浴缸 Bath  Tub
 外卖 Take Away To Go
 炸薯条 Chips Fries
 餐巾 Serviette  Napkin 
 环岛 / 环形枢纽 Roundabout  Traffic Circle 
 市中心 City centre  Downtown 

The Underground, Light Rail, Tube, Metro 

The Subway, Light Rail, The L, BART (不同城市叫法不同)

 乘火车 By Rail By Train
 前台 Reception  Front Desk