您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语口语 > 常用英语口语听力 正文 常用英语口语听力Topic123:就诊Seeing A Dcotor 2008-05-25来源:和谐英语 音频下载[点击右键另存为] 丹尼尔看医生时,医生说他患了流感,要打针。小孩好像都很怕打针,我们的丹尼尔呢,他也怕吗?往下看就知道了。 Listen Read Learn Doctor 3: What seems to be the problem, kid?Daniel: I've got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache.Doctor 3: Ah…How long have you been like this?Daniel: I am not very sure. Maybe for three days.Doctor 3: Do you have any stomachache?Daniel: I guess so. It comes and goes.Doctor 3: Open your mouth and say “ah…” God, you are suffering from the swelling of tonsils.Daniel: Is that serious, doctor?Doctor 3: Yes, I am sure that you got the flu. You need a shot.Daniel: Oh, doctor. Do I have to? I am afraid of needles!Doctor 3: Yes, that's for sure. But it is not that bad. It's gonna be all right.Daniel: Oh, doctor, please…Doctor 3: Be brave, young man. Only girls cry when given an injection.Daniel: You are right. I won't cry anymore. 听看学医生3:你有什么事吗,孩子?丹尼尔:我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。医生3:啊……你这个样子多久了?丹尼尔:我不敢肯定。也许三天了吧。医生3:你肚子痛吗?丹尼尔:我猜是的。时有时无。医生3:张开嘴,说“啊……”天哪,扁桃体肿大。丹尼尔:严重吗,医生?医生3:是的。我肯定你是得了流感。你得打一针。丹尼尔:哦,医生。真的要打针吗?我害怕打针。医生3:是啊,肯定的。但是没有那么糟糕。就会好起来的。丹尼尔:哦,医生,求您了……医生3:勇敢点,小家伙。只有女孩子打针才会哭。丹尼尔:你说得对,我不会哭了。 经典背诵 RecitationDaniel: Like all the children, I hate injections. Well, the needles scare me easily. I don't understand why the doctors give patients injections so often. They would always say it's not that bad. Not that bad? Not for them, of course! 生词小结mouth n. 嘴tonsil n. 扁桃体swell vi. 肿大flu n. 流感shot n. 打针be scared of 害怕needle n. 针injection n. 注射 功能性语句扩展 Functional structure表达确定和不确定的句型请朗读以下句型,家长和孩子交替进行 1.确定I'm sure that… 我肯定……I fimp3ly believe that… 我确信……Definitely. 毫无疑问。Absolutely. 绝对是。There is no doubt about it. 没什么可怀疑的。 2.不确定I doubt it. 我怀疑。I am not very sure. 我不是很肯定。Maybe… 也许……I guess so. 我猜是的。Probably. 也许是。That's possible. 那有可能。It may/can/could be true. 那也许是真的。 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 常用英语口语听力Topic122:挂号Registration 下一篇 常用英语口语听力Topic124:探望Paying a Visit 相关文章 常用英语口语听力Topic304:求职Job常用英语口语听力Topic305:健美操常用英语口语听力Topic306:会员制常用英语口语听力Topic303:面试常用英语口语听力Topic302:招聘会常用英语口语听力Topic301:职业规划常用英语口语听力Topic300:标准、质量、特色常用英语口语听力Topic299:辞职常用英语口语听力Topic297:职业病Occupational常用英语口语听力Topic298:职业倦怠