常用英语口语听力Topic233:问询 Enquiry
经典背诵 Recitation
Daniel: Bookstore is a really complicated place to buy a book. I always get confused when I'm there. Each time I try to find a book, it's a nightmare. The name of the book, the author and the publisher, so many things one needs to remember. It's terrible.
geography n. 地理
author n. 作者
complicated adj. 复杂的
publisher n. 出版社
best-seller n. 畅销书
单词扩展 Vocabulary Builder
dmp3a 戏剧
literature 文学
novel 小说
poetry 诗歌
prose 散文
romance 浪漫小说
short story 短篇小说
classics 古典小说
detective story 侦探小说
encyclopedia 百科小说
fantasy 幻想小说
mystery 神化
science fiction 科幻
thriller 恐怖小说
家庭总动员 Do it together
Let's have a look at ( ).
[例]家长读 novel 小说
孩子读 Let's have look at novel. 我们看看小说吧。