常用英语口语听力Topic265:专卖店 Speciality Store
经典背诵 Recitation
May: Gucci and I always go shopping for clothes together. Usually, we go to some speciality stores. Though the new models may be really expensive, there are always some out-of-season clothes on discount. Today, we went to a speciality store. I found something I like, but unluckily, there was no right size for me. At the discount section, Gucci found a dress perfect for her. What a lucky girl!
speciality n. 专门
logo n. 商标
fitting n. 试衣
词汇扩展 Vocabulary Builder
Audi 奥迪
Benz 奔驰
BMW 宝马
Buick 别克
Ferrari 法拉利
Ford 福特
Porsche 保时捷
Toyota 丰田
Cadillac 凯迪拉克
Chevrolet 雪弗龙
Citroen 雪铁龙
Hyundai 现代
Lincoln 林肯
Morgan 摩根
Renault 雷诺
Roll-Royce 劳斯莱斯
家庭总动员 Do it together
I like the ( ) logo.
[例] 家长读 Benz 奔驰
孩子读 I like the Benz logo. 我喜欢奔驰的商标。