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Benjamin: How is the project going?

Colleague: Well, frankly speaking, I am running a little behind. It's 40% done.

Benjamin: Do you have any problem during the process? You should speed things up.

Colleague: I have little chance to communicate with colleagues when I have problems. They are always too busy to help a green hand like me.

Benjamin: Have you ever helped others when they are in trouble? Most will give a hand to someone who has helped him.

Colleague: I did. But I am so depressed because there is nobody that will help me.

Benjamin: And you should have good co-operation with other colleagues, you know a scientific schedule brings efficiency to the work.

Colleague: I see your point, but I seem to be on bad terms with them.

Benjamin: Cheer up and pay more attention to your colleagues and the things will be much better. I am speaking from my experience.

Colleague: Thank you so much.

Benjamin: And you should read as much as possible to enrich the knowledge.

Colleague: That's a good idea. I can learn many useful things from books.

Benjamin: We're approaching the critical point for success or failure of this project; you'd better speed up and catch up with books.

Colleague: Well, I will do it better.

Benjamin: If you have any problem in your work, let me know.

Colleague: Thanks very much. I promise I will work harder.

本杰明: 方案进行得怎么样了?

同事: 嗯,坦白说,我落后了一点,才完成了40%。

本杰明: 在工作过程中有什么困难吗?你应该加速了。

同事: 我遇到困难时很少有机会能和同事们交流。他们总是太忙了,不能帮一下我这个新手。

本杰明: 他们有困难时你帮过他们吗?人们大多都爱帮助曾经帮助过他们的人。

同事: 我帮过。但是我很苦恼的是没人愿意帮我。

本杰明: 你应该和其他同事很好地合作,你要知道科学的时间进度表能提高工作效率。

同事: 我明白你的意思,但是我似乎和他们合不来。

本杰明: 振作起来,多关注其他同事就会好很多的。这是我的经验之谈。

同事: 非常感谢。

本杰明: 你也应该多读书,丰富知识。

同事: 是个好主意。能从书上学到很多有用的东西。

本杰明: 我们正处在关系整个工程成败的关键时刻,你应该加速赶上其他人。

同事: 嗯,我会做得更好的。

本杰明: 如果在工作中有什么困难,告诉我。

同事: 非常感谢,我一定会更加努力的。