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地道英语口语:Jet Lag飞机时差



地道英语口语学习:Jet Lag飞机时差

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.
ZOË: 大家好,欢迎收听今天的地道英语,我是刘佳。

Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

ZOË: 要掌握地道的英语,重要的就是要不断学习英语中最新出现的新词和新用法。

Helen: New words and expressions enter the English language all the time, so you need to stay up to date.

ZOË: 在今天的节目里,我们要来说的是什么新词呢?Helen

Helen: Today’s new expression is ‘jet lag’ – jet and another word lag – jet lag.

ZOË: Jet lag..这是什么意思呢?

Helen: Well, jet lag has only existed since people started to fly long distances regularly.

ZOË: Jet lag是专门用在那些坐了长距离飞机的人身上?为什么呢?Helen

Helen: I’ll explain – jet lag means being tired and confused after a long plane journey, particularly when there is a big difference in time between the two countries.

ZOË: 哦,原来jet lag就是我们经常说的因为时差而导致的疲惫,倒时差的过程可是很痛苦的,长时间的飞行,再加上两个国家的不同时间,人们经常会被弄得颠三倒四。要想恢复精神,可得花上几天时间。

Helen: So, you could say ‘when I went to Japan, I had jet lag for 2 days.’

ZOË: 是啊,我上次回中国,也倒了至少有3天的时差。


A: Hi John – you’re a bit late. I was expecting you at 9 o’clock.

B: Sorry – I’ve got jet lag, I’m so tired I slept through my alarm clock.

ZOË: Have you ever had jet lag, Helen?

Helen: Oh yes. I always have terrible jet lag for one or two days after a long flight.

ZOË: Really? What do you do to get better?

Helen: Sleep! It’s the only answer for jet lag.

ZOË: Really?

Helen: Yes, but some people aren’t affected by jet lag.

ZOË: They are lucky then.

Helen: I suppose anyway, let’s recap – jet lag –

ZOË: 就是在长时间飞行之后,因为时差而导致疲惫不堪。这也就是我们通常所说的倒时差。 

Helen: Well it’s time to go. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

ZOË: See you next time.