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外教讲解地道美语 第169期:干洗店的对话


A: Thank god you are open! I have an emergency!

B: Hello, Mr. Henderson what can I do for you?

A: I need this dress and this suit dry cleaned ASAP!

B: OK, I can have it ready by the end of the week.

A: No, you don’t understand, I need this tomorrow morning!  I accidentally spilled beer all over my  wife’s dress and we have a wedding to attend tomorrow! She’s gonna kill me!

B: OK, I can have it ready tomorrow afternoon, but this suit is also very stained. I can’t guarantee we  can remove it completely.

A: Fine! Can you also iron and starch this shirt?

B: Certainly.

A: Great! This is our secret! If you see my wife, say nothing to her about this!
