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外教讲解地道美语 第240期晚餐准备


A: Honey, can you set the table?

B: Um, sure.  What are we having for dinner?  Do I need to put out anything in particular?
A: Well, make sure to put out the pepper and salt shakers.  I don’t know if your brother is coming tonight so set an extra place mat just in case.

B: Ok, should I use the fancy silverware?

A: Yeah  go  ahead,  forks,  spoons  and  knives.I roasted some meat so be sure to put out some steak knives as well.

B: I’ll also set some cups and saucers for some coffee after dinner.

A: Honey? Have you seen our soup bowls?

B: They are in the cupboard where you keep the gravy boat and serving dishes. Just be careful because the wine glasses are also there.

A: Oops!
