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外教讲解地道美语 第250期:询问职位信息


Rebecca:Could you tell me a little about the organization?  For example, how big is your workforce here?

Mr. Parsons: Well in total we have around 150 employees based in Hong Kong with another 400 in our head office in Beijing. The news desk staff in Hong Kong comprises around 80 staff.

Rebecca:I  see. And  how  about  the  working hours?

Mr. Parsons:  Well, as you know Rebecca, in journalism work hours are not exactly nine  to five. You could be on call at any time. We do have to work very unsociable hours at times.

Rebecca:Well I am used to that, Mr.  Parsons, so that’s not really a shock for me.

Mr. Parsons:  Good, as long as you understand that.

Rebecca:And when do you need to fill the vacancy, Mr. Parsons?

Mr. Parsons: Yesterday! But no, we are hoping to start from the beginning of next month.

Rebecca:That sounds ideal.
