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外教讲解地道美语 第286期:办公发言之问答环节


Jonathan: Well everyone, I'm sure you'd like to join me in thanking Michael for what was a really inspirational presentation.  Sincere thanks Michael. 好了,各位。相信大家此刻都跟我一样想要感谢Michael做的这么有启发性的发言。谢谢了,Michael!

Jonathan: Now, I'm sure many of you will be keen to ask some questions, so I'd like to open it up a Q and A session. Please raise your hand if you have any questions at all. Janice, go ahead. 现在大家一定都有很多问题急着要提出,因此我们展开一个问答环节。想要提问的话请举手。Janice,你说吧。

Janice: Yes thank you Jonathan. I would just like to go back to the comment Mr. Ford made in regards to our competitors, particularly Orange. Now as you know, Orange has established themselves as the market leader in the high-end lap-top market. 谢谢,乔纳森。我想说一下福特先生针对我们的竞争对手,尤其是“橙子”,所作的评论。据我所知,“橙子”将自己定位为高端笔记本电脑市场的领军企业。

Janice: How does Mr. Ford expect to compete with a company that has such a huge reputation and huge resources? 福特先生打算如何跟这样一个声誉高、资源广的企业竞争呢?

Mr.Ford: Well Janice, first of all, thanks for a very good question. I think you have hit the nail on the head actually. Orange are the global leaders precisely because of their size and power. 首先感谢 Janice的问题。你问得非常中肯。“橙子”正是凭借其规模与实力成为全球领先企业的。

Mr.Ford: But, although we can't compete in terms of size I do believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service. Yes, I admit this is a David and Goliath battle,but don't forget who won that contest. 虽然在规模上我们无法与其竞争,但在客服方面我们还是占据优势的。我承认我们之间实力相差很大,但不要忘记谁才是真正的赢家。

Frank: Ermmm, Mr Ford. Could you elaborate on the actual technical details of the x420 a little more? 你能不能详细地讲一下x420技术方面的细节?

Mr.Ford: I'd love to but I think we are a little pressed for time right now. However Jonathan has all the technical specs for you on the powerpoint presentation, which you can look over in your own time. 我倒是很想说,但现在时间有限。技术方面的具体细节都在乔纳森的幻灯片上,大家有时间可以自己看一下。

Marcie: Mr. Ford. One final question. Would you like to join me for a game of golf this Sunday? 福特先生,我还有一个专业问题:星期天要不要跟我去打高尔夫?