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外教讲解地道美语 第320期:带孩子去游戏场玩


A: Hey honey! Where were you?

B: I decided to take Kenny to the park and get some fresh air.

A: How was it? Were there a lot of kids?

B: It wasn't too crowded, but we had a great time! We got on the see-saw together, then went on a couple of different slides and then I tried to go with him in the jungle gym, but I didn't fit.

A: Sounds like fun! When we go he always just likes to play in the sandbox.

B: Yeah, but today he was really hyper. He even got on the monkey bars and then he went on to go on the swings for a half hour. I'm exhausted!

A: You should go to the park more often since you don't go to the gym anymore!