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A: 健康总是福啊,你说呢?
A: Good health is always the harbinger of happiness; don't you think?

B: 是的,如果没了健康,我想人们很难快乐起来。
B:Well, I doubt that anyone could be too happy if they're in poor health.

A: 你不觉得他们总是相辅相成的吗?
A: But, don't you believe they always go together?

A: 哦,那可不一定。幸福除了健康还包含很多其他东西。当然了,健康的确有助于人们感到幸福。
B: Oh, no. Happiness entails a lot of other things besides being healthy. Being healthy certainly helps.

A: 对,没错。我仔细想来,还真觉得你说的有道理。不,应该是越想越觉得你是对的。
A: Yeah. When I think about it, I suppose you are right. No! The more I think about it, you definitely are right.

B: 我认为人与人之间的各种关系是获得真正幸福的关键。不过,遗憾的是,它同样也是不幸的根源。
B: I think relationships are the key to real happiness. Unfortunately, they can also be the cause of a lot of unhappiness as well.

A: 有很多事情都能使人们不快乐,但是我更愿意积极地看待生活,说一些开心的事情。
A: There are a lot of things that can make people unhappy but, I'd rather look on the positive side of life and talk about happiness.

B: 那么,你认为什么能使人们幸福快乐呢?
B: So, what do you think makes people happy?

A: 很多事情都能使人们幸福,但是也因人而异。
A: There are a stack of things that make people happy but, it all depends on the individual.

B: 是的,恋爱会使很多人幸福,有很多钱也是确实能使人幸福的。
B: Well, being in love would make a lot of people happy. And, having a lot of money would be a certainty.

A: 这两者可能会使人幸福,但也不一定总会让人开心。
A: Those two things could make people happy but, it may not always happen.

B: 他们显然会让我开心的。
B: They'd sure make me happy.

A: 但条件是你得有健康,恋爱还得是彼此相爱,钱来的要正当。
A: Provided you were healthy, provided your love was mutual and, provided you came by your money honestly.

B: 你瞧,现在谁变得消极了?我还以为我们都是积极看待生活的人呢。
B: Now who's being negative? I thought we were going to look at the positive side of things?

A: 好,同意。但是,有很多其他的事情跟幸福有关。例如,工作上的成就感,迫球自己的目标,受人尊敬和美满的家庭。
A: OK. Point taken. But there are so many other things that are involved with happiness. things like, job satisfaction, achieving your goals, respect and family relationships.

B: 是的。这些的确很重要,其中任何一项都会对一个人的生活产生重大影响。
B: Yes. That's right. Those things do matter and every one of them can have a tremendous influence on a person's life.

A: 还有,你不是非得有钱才能幸福啊。
A: And, you don't have to have money to find happiness.

B: 但我认为你得有足够养家糊口的钱吧。如果没有这最基本的经济保障,生活会觉得很艰苦。
B: I think you need enough to live on and to be avle to look after your family. If you don't at least, have that, life would be hard.

A: 以前我们有的那种简单的快乐,在现代社会已无从找到了。即使我们天天被快乐围绕,但也因为太忙而无暇顾及。
A: Modern society has lost a lot of the enjoyment we used to find in the simple pleasures of nature. We are surrounded by them every day but, people are too busy to see them.

B: 这虽有些遗憾但却是事实。就像人们常说的,“情人眼里出西施”,我想,幸福快乐也是一样。在于每个人内心的感受。
B: Unfortunate, but true. As they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and, I guess, that is just as ture for happiness.